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Table Of Contents | AUTHORS | Poetry | Short Stories | The Old Cowboy | Cowboy Poetry | The Kids Corner | My God, My God..??? |
Audio/Text Poems Your Smile | The Secrets Of Love | Hang On Harry | 'Cause love | Once Upon A Time | Younger Bones | You Lifted Me | Sacred Ground | With You Jesus | You Carried My Heart
Older poems (at bottom of page)
Poems On This Page>>-
The Whisper |
Jesus Touched Me |
Unknown Tomorrows |
A Lifetime |
Brand New Year |
Each Day |
Every Garden |
The Beauty |
Precious Son |
Not Alone |
Thanksgiving Soon |
| Friend |
Smile Keeper
| Dropped |
Ignored |
Love Made You Dad
| Daddy |
Spring Days |
The Nearness Of Heaven
| One Hand |
I Can Be There |
You |
Love That Trumps |
The Shadow |
The Honeybee
| Words Of Love |
You Carried My Heart |
The Painter |
Lonesome Hi-way |
Christmas Tree |
With You Jesus |
Garden Fun
| Leaving Wichita |
To Elizabeth |
Sacred Ground |
She Carries On |
She |
One Special Place |
Only Sixteen |
Moments Of The Soul |
Pick Her Up |
Love Like Yours |
Spirit's Secrets |
Your Diary |
Fight For Me |
Take It All From Me |
The Oak and the Orchid |
Your Smile |
Precious Memory |
The Puppy That She Loved |
My Heart In Me |
Her Wanted |
Forgotten |
Our Anniversary |
Mothers |
The Lords Easter |
My Sixteen |
In My Grandfathers Eyes |
The Best Gift |
I Stand |
After The Road |
He Gave |
These Colors |
Control Your Licker
The Whisper
James H. Wilson
July 21, 2016
I'll be the whisper
That nags your back
I'll be the whisper
That stands beside you
I'll be the whisper
That you'll hear in your ear
Ev'rytime you turn away
I'll be there to make you stay
When the sky turns to gray
When the mountains start to slip
All your friends turn their backs
And your mind begins to flip
I'm the one you'll remember
Ev'rytime you close your eyes
I'll be there like the air
Not wearing a disguise
I'll be the whisper
That guides your track
I'll be the whisper
That has your back
I'll be the whisper
Always there for you to hear
When you reach out for me
I'll be the whisper in the breeze
When you stand on your own
And the world aims at your back
When you fall to your knees
From the beat of their attack
When your heart is pounding
And nothing good is in your reach
I'll be there like the gentile waves
That lay themselves on the sandy beach
Ev'rytime you turn away
I'll be there to make you stay
When you reach out for me
I'll be the whisper in the breeze
Title: Jesus Touched Me
Author: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, June 30, 2016
I found my soul alive
When Jesus touched me
I smiled like I hadn't in years
And the world in it's sorrow
Turned for a moment to see
The storm had left
And for a short season
I was given a little peace
I strained when the Devil had me
I could breath out
But only one breath at a time
And those that called me family
Were no friends except to wrong
Then an angel cleared the way
I was given a chance
On a new road I came
I finally gave Jesus an ear
And He keeps catching me when I fall
I think I am wearing Him out
But He keeps up with me
And reminds me
I am what He is all about
Now the way ahead is still up to me
I can choose to go left or right
Or just stay on His course
And trust in His light
All the while He strengthens me
All I have to do is receive His Grace
I sing a new song in His mercy
So I put all my hope
In a future with the only one
Who is able to take me to a better place
"Unknown Tomorrows"
Author: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, January 11, 2009
Learning the way
Taking in the day
Speaking words of faith
These have now begun
Skies partly gray
With lightening at play
A voice with words to say
Day almost done
Lonely trees
Lonely leaves
A bed of white
Cover barren fields
Suns glow
Warms the heart
Skins covered with wool
And eyes that brave
The unknown tomorrows
Learning the way
Taking in the day
Speaking words of faith
These have now begun
With eyes that brave
The unknown tomorrows
As if on
A journey through an unknown land
Thinking of beaches filled with sand
Looking left and right
The coldest night
Will not defeat nor swallow
With eyes that brave
The unknown tomorrows
Title: A Lifetime
Author: Bitsy Wishman
Date: © Copyright, September 17, 2008
TITLE : Brand New Year
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, January 9, 2007
The rosy cheeks and wide eyes
Have given way to peaceful slumber
Lookin' forward to the fireplace fire
Shovelin' snow, and watchin' for deer
A few days have gone by
St. Nick is startin' a new list
The reindeer have already flown
And tonight the stars are shinnin' so clear
Hear the bells chimin',
Watch the ball droppin',
The temperature's fallin'
And winter
Is bringin' a Brand New Year
TITLE : Each Day
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, January 5, 2007
Each day,
Is it with wind?
Is it with rain?
Each day,
Is it covered with clouds?
Is it covered with sun?
Each day,
The earth still turns.
The fire still burns.
Each day,
Is it with friends?
Is it with self?
Each day,
Does the dog chase his tail?
Does the bird fly the sky?
Each day,
The heart still beats,
And love defeats!
TITLE : Every Garden
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, December 21, 2006
Every garden bears it's fruit
Because it's given T.L.C.
The ground must be prepared
Be it flowers or mighty tree
We must keep the birds away
For they would eat the seeds
Every garden needs a hand
To till the ground time to time
Get the weeds in control
A little fertilizer and lime
The worms are playing in the ground
Even the slugs leave their slime
Every garden turns green
Every garden is a post card scene
Every garden is of clay and sod
Every garden pleases God
TITLE : The Beauty
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, December 22, 2006
The beauty stands
With a somber look
Taking all around her in
Appearing to read a book
Her hair is perfectly curled
Her necklace graces her neck
And matches the bracelet
Filled with glittering flecks
Her patient quiet
Can not be matched
And she's alone
Still unattached
The weather never bothers her
The seasons come and go
And all that see her
Want this doll for their own
TITLE : Precious Son
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, December 8, 2006
He brought peace
He showed us strength
He filled the heart with light
He sacrificed for His Father's love
Born a King late at night
We honor Him with a day
A day He was our gift
We watch our children play
And our hearts begin to lift
Christmas comes but once a year
When families cheer and celebrate
Jesus came and now it's clear
His birth is a sign along our way
Christmas cards
Christmas bells
Christmas roads
For loving friends and families
Christmas dinners
Christmas carols
Christmas hugs
Many thanks for God's precious Son
TITLE : Not Alone
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, December 6, 2006
Anytime, anywhere
Any road, I'm not alone
I see red birds
And birds covered in blue
I see the white covered fields
And remember winter leads
To flowers in bloom
An ouch I might get
From the thorn of the rose
The scent of the lilac
Ever delights my nose
Yes I've taken
A wrong road or two
My eyes often wondered
Who stays the moon
While my heart
Dares remember
There's not another like you
Another's story
Would have a different refrain
But I'm not alone
I've memorized your face
Pink Umby Records | Authors N Others | Wilody Publishing | The Ol' Cowboy | The Kids Corner | My God, My God???
TITLE : Thanksgiving Soon
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, November 22, 2006
Silent smiles
Windowless rooms
Burning Skies
Crooked roads
Featherless birds
Worker bees
Shut off lights
Animal zoos
Shining nights
Growing weeds
Whispering words
Turtles knees
Hay bailed fields
Cautionless cows
Fence of white
Snowing winds
And frozen ponds
Green pine trees
Thanksgiving Soon
TITLE : Winter
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, November 12, 2006
When winter begins
The well aged remember
The sweet success of summer
As it overtook the spring
And holds hostage
The crying fall
Like tears from violent acts
Spring pushes and plows
It's birth upon a land
Having been asleep
Put to rest by winters grip
But even winter gives up
To suns great light
Upon a springing budding ground
Time changes and
Answers repeat
Seasons begin with greatness
And sadness of an end
Brings forth remembrance
To an acceptable future
TITLE : Friend
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, October 9, 2006
Like riding the bus
A few blocks is O.K.
Even a few miles
On a quick get-a-way
But a day or two
Is hard to get through
Finding friends
A block at a time
When blocks become miles
Will this friend face the grind
As the days turn to weeks
And the rain comes in sheets
And the gutters won't drain
And the rain floods the streets
After the storm clears the sky
A good friend stands at your side
TITLE : Smile Keeper
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, October 2, 2006
It could be an island
You've found yourself upon
You might think yourself
A mountain climber without a song
You'll look to an oak
When you want to swing on a rope
As the days light
Fades slowly to dark
Your soul will search
To float in an ark
You'll know goodness in light
When once again you arise
They'll call you a smile keeper
Each time you side step the grim reaper
This comes from prayers spoken
And promises not broken
TITLE : Ignored
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, September 21, 2006
For all the times you were ignored
And forgive never crossed my lips
You stood close by, you were my Lord
Every time I slipped
On the days I barely breathed
When life stood back
And death came around me
You my Lord wavered not
And led the attack
And once again I was free
For all the times you were ignored
I looked away from your painful Cross
You stood close by, you were my Lord
You knew all my weary thoughts
I came to think, I came to pray
Now I know you've touched my soul
You've healed my body and my mind
You've given me a whole new life
For all the times you were ignored
But still you're standing close, you are my Lord
Thank you Jesus.
TITLE : Dropped
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, September 20, 2006
It would seem
Wind would have no seam
There'd be no edge
No in between
Unlike a stream
That may start from a spring
And travel through hills
And valleys far and wide
And through the dreams
We keep inside
Till it finds it's way
Some stormy night
To the docks of the bay
Or the rock of the cliff
Where in tomorrow's sun
Might be gathered
By the seamless one
And dropped back to it's lake
To start yet another run.
TITLE : Love Made You Dad
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, June 15, 2006
One of your great grandfathers
Stepped bravely on the untamed soil
Expecting the ground to move,
Watching for signs of life,
Through the under brush,
A squirrel or chipmunk that hides
On some tree bark or root
And, as night wanes, an Owl hoots
Your great grandfather
Read by a candle at night
On sunny days hunted
And tilled the ground with his might.
While grandma knitted and periled
Grandpa fitted and furrowed
Man size problems
Needed man to solve,
Up at day break
Plans to make.
Someone's love made you a Dad.
I pray today's the best you've had.
Happy Father's Day
TITLE : Daddy
Written By: Melody Lee Wilson
Date: © Copyright, June 14, 2006
When I am cold daddy,
Gives me a blanket of love.
When I need comfort,
Daddy's arms wrap around me.
When I fall down,
Daddy's Band-aid is blessed with kisses.
When I need a shoulder
Daddy is a shoulder away
When I am scared,
Daddy is near with a candle of hope.
When I'm sick,
Daddy's prayers are answered.
When I need a hand,
Daddy's love is reaching out.
When I want to dance,
Daddy's shoes are under mine.
Daddy's unconditional love,
Patient and understanding,
Is as close as my heartbeat.
Daddy's home us now with God,
And his love is with me,
In memories and in my heart and soul.
Dedicated to my Daddy,
March 14,1990
TITLE : Spring Days
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, May 18, 2006
Rhubarbs and roses and puppy noses
The nakedness of the grapevine
Wrapped around the country fence
The springtime showers and beautiful flowers
With mud filled roads that lead
To cattle pastures now filled with grass
And cowboys separating the herds
And yesterdays school children filled like fools
With the longing of never ending days of wonder
And in their search for boredom breakers,
Some will become new cowboys,
Some will sleep later in the morning,
And there are those who'll read poetry like mine.
TITLE : The Nearness
Of Heaven
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, May 18, 2006
When you awaken from your sleeping bag slumber
To the scent of spring pine and lavender
To the song of melodies, from sparrows and orioles,
You might realize the nearness of Heaven.
So much is good about new mown hay
And lilies, and sleeping dogs, and butterflies,
Cool spring days that lead to summer
And to life, those that need to live.
When you encounter the rage of the tornado,
The icy seas with unmovable ships,
The hundred mile per hour desert winds,
You might feel the wrath of God.
When you stare into the eyes of love
And become speechless unable to move,
And from these feelings a marriage,
Then you are sure that Heaven is close.
When you can wake up each morning in the arms of love,
When your heart is healed by just a tender touch,
When your baby leaves his mark on the world,
You'll be glad for the nearness of Heaven.
Pink Umby Records | Authors N Others | Wilody Publishing | The Ol' Cowboy | The Kids Corner | My God, My God???
TITLE : One Hand
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, April 30, 2006
One hand rocked my cradle
When at first I was alive,
One hand served as a guide
As the days of church went by.
And when we went to visit
On the bus, the train, the plane,
One of your hands held my hand
To let me know I'd be all right.
Yes your gentle hands
Changed my diapers.
Cooked my eggs and toast,
And fluffed my childhood pillows.
When I was on my way to sleep
You prayed the Lord my soul to keep,
And mother there were those times
You even held on a little too tight.
One hand found my rear
When you knew I'd done wrong.
One hand protected me
When all my hope was gone.
It was your hand
That pushed my swing,
And played the melody,
When we all would sing.
You combed my hair, brushed my teeth,
Fed me with that spoon.
Walked me to the bus
On my way to school.
One hand pushed my bike
When I learned to ride.
Your hand helped me find the gears
When I learned to drive.
You wiped away my tears,
You've always touched me with your love.
Mother, one of your hands,
Would have been enough.
Thank You Mother.
TITLE : I Can Be There
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, April 20, 2006
When all your answers
Won't make it right
When you face the same problems
In mornin's light
When all your hills
Have become mountains
Too high for you to climb
There's one answer that remains
You'll never be alone again
When you were a little one
You and I played children's games
And as teenagers I knew
Our hearts felt exactly the same
And as ev'ryday goes by
You're still there filling up my mind
I can be anything
I can be ev'rywhere
I can be all you need
From the small voice in your mind
I can be there
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, April 18, 2006
They all know You made
Every thing that is
The wind, the rain, the earth
The shores for seas that hold the fish
The flowers that usher in the spring
Yes, such glory and beauty did You bring
Some say they know You
Some even call You by name
Although You gave them life
Some mindless fools choose other ways
If they listened for Your call to them
You'd touch their hearts, and their souls You would mend
The new day dawns
After another sleepless night
But just because there's sun
Doesn't mean there's light
They sleep face down
They sleep on their side
In every way they can
They do their best to hide
But when they are in great peril
They remember then how they made You cry
You are my Lord
You are my Friend
And I pray some day
To You, I will ascend
TITLE : Love That Trumps
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, March 7, 2006
Though it rained here yesterday
And the clouds were hanging low
I sit here in between the storms
Watching the tulips grow
And reminisce snow covered peaks
Twenty thousand feet below
Yes it's true the seasons change
As the spinning of our lives
The summer makes me wish
For milder winter days and spring time
And winter's cold and icy glare
Makes me long for graceful fall
Filled with warmer calmer air
Though it rained here yesterday
And I'm glad that God made it so,
They say another storm
Will come on some tomorrow
So today I remember love,
Love that trumps my sorrow
TITLE : The Shadow
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, February 23, 2006
One eye, is on the morning sun
One eye, is on the shadow
Every day I hear another voice
That sends a chill to my bones
I take a hold of my senses
And walk away from the unknown
One eye, is on the morning sun
One eye, is on the shadow
When I look and find my world has changed
That it's upside down and lost
My heart tells me do what it takes
And fight no matter what the cost
The shadow is where I am
The shadow reaches for my hand
Was that her smile
Or just the shadow in the mirror
Leaving isn't near as hard
As the coming home
Where the shadow of love
Won't leave me alone
She said she'd be back two years ago last fall
She left, ... her shadow, ... on my wall ...
One eye, is on the morning sun
One eye, is on the shadow
TITLE : The Honeybee
(also @
The Honeybee)
Written By: Emily Jones, age 10
Date: © Copyright, February 3, 2006
Oh my little honeybee.
You are very, very mean.
Your so mean because you sting.
Oh my little honeybee.
Oh my little honeybee.
I may think that you are mean.
But since God made you, you are keen.
Oh my little honeybee.
TITLE : Words Of Love
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, February 2, 2006
Words of love
Grow from the heart's tender moments
Though it is
They are seldom believed
There is a truth
Carved, in a cottonwood tree
Words of love
Are often found under the truth
And should be
Shining in broad daylight
For all to see
Not, just lovers in the night
When the dirty kettles have left the sink
And we've settled for the evening
A loud voice has no need
When the early morning beams
Caress us awake
And the still air fills with emotion
Joyful words of love, start another day
Words of love
Matter most leaving our lips
From one heart
To another they fall
In the ears sweet
Love, should find it's way to all
TITLE : You Carried My
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, January 17, 2006
You carried my heart
You tucked it up
Like a football
You took it with you
And ev'ry day it shines
The light of my soul
I heard you say
Ev'ry day's Valentine's Day
Look at the love it takes
To carry my heart
To take it out and talk to it
And watch how it warms up to you
You won't let it slip away
After all that you've been through
You've carried my heart
All around the world
You kept it close
When the cold winter winds would blow
And what's the price of love
What ever it is
I know you've paid in full
'Cause you've carried my heart
When the train left the station
I knew I had found your soul
Even though the tears left your eyes
You carried my heart... off into the night
TITLE : The Painter
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, January 12, 2006
I've been dealing with a diamond
That's been shining through the dust
For a long time now
I've been flying around in planes
Landing in the haze
And stumbling across the ground
I've been painting pictures
Of a perfect life
A whole lot of fantasy
With just a dab of something real
It's very pretty when it's
Too hot or cold outside
Yeah I'm the painter
Always painting in my mind
When the road gets hotter than hot
And there's gravel in my veins
The canvas comes up
And I can see beautiful scenes
Of you next to me
And remember long nights of love
I've been painting pictures
Of a perfect life
A lot of flowers in June
Mixed with those memories of you
It's very pretty when it's
Too hot or cold outside
Yeah I'm the painter
Painting scenes of you and I
TITLE : Lonesome Hi-way
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, January 5, 2006
Some old lonesome hi-way
Might lead to a cabin in the woods
Where in the silence beneath the trees
I could reflect on what's been good
I could watch the squirrels
Jump from tree to tree at play
And the sun beams float across
As they come and once again go away
I might stay a season or more
I might stay nearly a year
I might watch the water fill the creeks
I might be still when a fawn in near
Some old lonesome hi-way
Might lead me to cities and towns
Down some dead end roads
Where there's plenty of quiet around
When I feel the need to get away
I remember the squirrels at play
Or the snow covered leaves one year
That let the doe bring her fawn so near
I remember too, I met you
On some old lonesome hi-way
Pink Umby Records | Authors N Others | Wilody Publishing | The Ol' Cowboy | The Kids Corner | My God, My God???
TITLE : Christmas Tree
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, December 9, 2005
As the fullness of summer
Was eventually overtaken
By the serenity of fall
And the hope of a never-ending quite
The anticipation of winter
Is but a vapor's worth of thought
As I forward my self
Through minutes of tic toc
And energetic hops
About the doing of chores
And the careful planning
Of thankful dinners
As well as what to be found
At various stores
To be put around a Christmas tree
Which fills the air
With scents of a greater outdoors
And reminds me of the grace
Of some four legged creatures
Which is often looked upon
From the limb of what
Was to become a Christmas tree.
TITLE : With You Jesus
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, December 8, 2005
Take me with you Jesus
Take me to the land of milk and honey
Show me the new life
In far away dreams
You give me hope,
Ev'ry day and night
Take me with you Jesus
Take me by the hand and stand me up straight
Use me as you will
As a shining light
I'll follow you,
Over ev'ry hill
Take me with you, Jesus
When you come calling
On Christmas, help me celebrate
Take me with you, Jesus
Take my heart and soul
When you give my spirit wings
Take me with you, Jesus
TITLE : Garden Fun
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, November 16, 2005
The tiny little pinkish bud
With it's green leaves
Shining in the sun
Gives it's reminder
Of starting over
The strength it takes
To grow into a beautiful bloom
The garden's floor is filled
With small planted vines
That relieves my gloom
One at a time
On the left we'll have crocus,
Cannes, and iris
On the right there is my
Day lilies, and roses, red and pink
In the middle of it all
Grown out love so I can give
Pretty tomatoes
It's all so much fun to grow
TITLE : Leaving Wichita
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, November 15, 2005
What could I do
If you,
Were leaving Wichita, today
Could I be there for you
When the clouds clear away
Would you see me
A dream,
That you've let get, away
Standing watching you fly
I need you here to stay
Leaving Wichita
On those silver shining wings
Leaving Wichita
Like your heart is not attached
Like you never noticed,
How I love you
Till you, were leaving Wichita
Every time you leave
You leave my heart behind
You take my dreams away with you
Every moment I'm awake
You don't know how my heart aches
Leaving Wichita
And I can still hear you whisper
I love you so much,
I'll be your fool
Till you, are leaving Wichita, again
TITLE : To Elizabeth
Written By: James Herbert Wilson
Date: © Copyright, November 1, 2005
To the wind with whom
I shared my millions of dreams
I have one more dream to leave
To the mountains
Who allowed me their sunny side
I give the warm summer rain one more time
To the long lonely night
Who found the tears on my cheek
I forgive the long lonely week
To the rain in which I stood
When I watched love pull away
I've filled my heart with a sunny day
To Elizabeth my heart song
Who shares the depth of my soul
I give all the love I've ever known
TITLE : Sacred Ground
Written By: James Herbert Wilson
Date: © Copyright, October 26, 2005
I saw God walking yesterday
He walked right up to me
And said your name is Clay
He said you won't be here tomorrow
Even if you change your ways
'Cause you're standing on sacred ground
I said God I do wonder why
You need me in this place
I'm just a normal guy
Sometimes it's hard for me to believe
You planned all this for my life
While I'm standing on sacred ground
He said I formed this world
Out of nothingness
He said I've planted
Every tree and blade of grass
I know the soul of every living thing
I am the future,
I am the past,
I put you here,
I made it all to last
And you're standing on sacred ground
TITLE : She Carries On
Written By: James Herbert Wilson
Date: © Copyright, October 9, 2005
She carries on
Like the mail man
Through the wind
Through the rain and snow
She has faced many storms
This will pass, she knows
She carries on
It's a test, it's a test, it's a test
Of frown-ability
And clown-ability
Just the right mask
For just the right task
She carries on
When trust is a question mark
And her solemn face shows truth
She holds the world at bay
And remembers her youth
Those beautiful days
Filled with a swing on a sandy pad
And music that makes her smile
Those ocean blue eyes of a good young lad
A world, of only a while
She carries on
Written By: James Herbert Wilson
Date: © Copyright, October 7, 2005
She moves quietly through the light
Steady and stealthy and focused
Constantly questioning herself
Making hard look easy and robust
She's all she needs to be
Her smile will cost you
Her conversation is light
When you leave you'll feel renewed
Her brown eyes are soft
And hides away her dreams
She's still planning her future
Running on her own self esteem
She knows her tomorrows
Are waiting patiently
And she realizes her yesterdays
Won't change one of her memories
TITLE : One Special Place
Written By: James Herbert Wilson
Date: © Copyright, September 26, 2005
If I take you, one special place
Would it be somewhere new or old
If I had one chance
To make you feel alive
What could it be
That I should know
Where I could touch you in passions light
That it might bring tears to your eyes
Right now we are miles and miles apart
But I know the spirit inside of me
Is the same spirit inside of you
An old friend, a buddy, a guide when I'm lost
You've taken me everywhere you've been
And if love was ever true, it was you
It's your love so true
That makes me say I'm stuck on you
I'm touched by the blessings God has given me
Knowing your love found me on my darkest days
How many times your memory was all that remained of you
That you should you know you've healed my soul
That I may return this love you've given me,
And let you know you're not alone
While God has given us His grace
Let me take you, to that one special place.
TITLE : Only Sixteen
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, September 12, 2005
Looking out into the evening sky
Just waiting for the sun to be gone
Some politician's on TV
While my mind plays my favorite song
Daddy says
You get to be twenty one
For the rest of your life
But you're only sixteen
For a few summer nights
Enjoy the coolness of your youth
And be careful what you lose
'Cause you're only sixteen
Once in your life
It's hard to be the kid they raised
When someone's waitin' just down the road
So I remind them once they were young
But they said because these things we know
Mama says
'Cause you're only sixteen
Be careful what you lose
And enjoy the coolness of your youth
You get to be twenty one
For the rest of your life
But you're only sixteen
For a few summer nights
Pink Umby Records | Authors N Others | Wilody Publishing | The Ol' Cowboy | The Kids Corner | My God, My God???
TITLE : Moments Of The
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, September 13, 2005
The roar of the clamoring clouds
Through connecting lightning bolts
Following the deafening sound of a butterfly
The whirring of the falling leaves
Watching a worm wither in to the ground
The beauty of the breeze on the sycamore trees
The thunderous noise of a single beam of light
Shining on the dust through a dirty window
Swimming with the bass under the boat
Catching the tiny leaf as it floats
Down the gentle mountain stream
Looking into the solemn brown eyes
Of the beautiful pony, your friend
The pounding of the mist on the window pane
Screams of a lightning bug
Flying past the moon
Knowing all of this,
Ends, far too soon.
TITLE : Pick Her Up
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, September 8, 2005
She brought her baby to me
And said all she needs is love
Pick her up and hold her
So she knows your gentle touch
Be brave every time she smiles
Each one is sent just for you
It won't be long till she's on her feet
Love her while she's little and so new
She used to scoot across the floor
Now she's running everywhere
One day soon the little league
Grandma hurry take me there
Oh the greatest days of my life
Are the many days I've received her love
While her mama works too hard
I get to be around to pick her up
She brought her baby to me
And said all she needs is love
Pick her up and hold her
So she knows your gentle touch
TITLE : Love Like Yours
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, 8/26/01- September 7, 2005
I might wind the clock
I might smell the meat cooking
Or wash the deck of the dock
When the wind has blown for days
I'll call the airlines for booking
A long week off
The air through metal blades
Friction on a paper page
Yes I know 'things change'
But my dream remains
Like a rose on it's vine
You'll find I'm always looking
For Love Like Yours, like mine
TITLE : Spirit's Secrets
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, August 30, 2005
Spirits never lie
When they're talkin' to you
You may not know they're there
When they're helpin' you get through
The hardest part of your life
Spirit's secrets are in their eyes
As they turn from side to side
They'd rather run away
Than have you see the truth
They just want to comfort you
Spirit's secrets are locked inside
Spirits check us out
See us when things are wrong
Reach for us when we fall
When old memories come along
And take us by surprise
TITLE : Your Diary
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, August 19, 2005
If I could read your diary
Would I see me lovin' you
As I turn from page to page
Would I feel what you've been through
Like when you turned eight
Would I read about your dreams
A pony to ride and be your friend
And a boy to make you laugh like me
If I could read your diary
Would I read about a train
How your mom took you some place new
And the boy you left there in the rain
Would I read about a day
You woke up twenty six
And remembered all your old dreams
If I could read your diary
Would I feel the pain and joy
Of childbirth at thirty four
Your little girl soon to be tom-boy
And when cancer came your way
Would your diary know how I prayed
Like the story of your life has changed
Your diary shows you've loved the same
If I could read your diary
Would I see me lovin' you
As I turn from page to page
Would I feel what you've been through
TITLE : Fight For Me
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, August 9, 2005
Would you fight for me
When the mob is closing in
And I can't find my way out
Or when I've fallen in the ocean
And you know that I can't swim
Would you save me, before I drown
Would you fight for me
When some drunk has gotten mad
Would you be more than a friend
Yeah I need to know just where's your heart
Where you stand, that you've got my back
Would you save me, or would you bend
Would you fight for me
Like I'd fight for you
When I'd steal you away
From a burning fire
I would fight for you
When trouble is all around
And hope is hardly found
I'd save you with my life
The answer that I'm looking for
Should be as easy as walking through a door
Would you fight for me
When my troubles have me down
And my world has gone south
When I'm with you and I look in your eyes
I know I'll hear you saying
'I'd fight for you' there is no doubt
TITLE : Take It All
From Me
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, June 28, 2005
Take the wind away from my sails
Take the ground from under my feet
Take that moon out of my night
Try and take it all from me
Take the wheat away from the fields
Take the leaves right off of the trees
Take the clouds out of my sky
Try and take it all from me
All that gold means nothing to me
All the words in all the books are only words
As long as there's air to breathe
Try and take it all from me
Take the birds even as they fly
Take the fish from out of the sea
As long as tomorrow comes
Try and take it all from me
Just as stars twinkling above
The air is filled with the fragrance of God's love
And only God knows my needs
Try and take it all from me
TITLE : The Oak and
the Orchid
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, June 5, 2005
I grew up in the woods
I learned the names of the trees
When I moved out to the west
I've come to like the Cottonwood's leaves
The way they shimmer in a breeze
A friend had flowers in a garden
Said he'd gotten some overseas
He showed me Daffodils,
And Iris, and Lilies of spring
But now his Orchids made me think
Their beauty was a gift to be seen
Each as if alive with a smile
Delicate and feminine
And needed lots of tender loving care
He talked flowers and the peace they bring
I spoke of woods and shade and majesty
When I fell in love I knew
I would be the strong scruffy Oak
That would give it's shade
To a delicate and beautiful Orchid
TITLE : Your Smile
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, June 1, 2005
(may also be found on audio/text poems)
Your smile puts me at ease
Fills me like the summer's morning breeze
Your smile touches my heart
It's painted in my mind, in the finest part
And for all the while
You've tried so hard
I just want you to know
What your smile is to me
The stars of Heaven sparkle like diamonds
And a new snow across a field can blind me
To watch the baby Robin leave the nest, takes my breath
But your smile is how I get through each day
When nature's big males fight for territory
I am amazed at their strength
When lightinings cross my sky, in the night
I remember your smile and I'm calm again
Your smile puts me at ease
And fills me like summer's morning breeze
Pink Umby Records | Authors N Others | Wilody Publishing | The Ol' Cowboy | The Kids Corner | My God, My God???
TITLE : Precious Memory
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, May 17, 2005
Thinking the calendar
Should be smaller
So time didn't pass by
So fast,
If we could look
Into the same mirror
We did,
When we were kids
When bicycles took us downtown
When ice cream didn't find our hips
And gossip seldom left our lips
We'd see that as each
Precious memory
Had a tomorrow,
So does today.
Happy Birthday
TITLE : The Puppy That She Loved
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, May 9, 2005
Once upon a time
In a little girls dreams
There was a yard with a swing
And a field with horses to ride
And a puppy that she loved
When the rain drops fell
She would stand and kiss
As they passed by her lips
And splashed in the mud
With the puppy that she loved
Sometimes her dreams
Brought a boy and they played
She always wanted him to stay
He smiled and said "I'll be back"
Like the puppy that she loved
Big girls ponder romance
Reach out toward motherhood
Get caught up in living
And little puppies grow up
All to soon the dreams have changed
Like the puppy that she loved
TITLE : My Heart In Me
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, March 29, 2005
All I wanted was a satisfied mind
Just a little peace in my life
A little room to turn around
To go along with my heart in me
I've rode over the Rockies
I've been fishin' in the Gulf of Mexico
I've played all the poker clubs in Vegas
Yea I've traveled around most of my world
And known all of my better days
Went with my heart in me
Somebody said they saw me on a cruse
One agreed what I'd been through
Could be just me livin' my life
And I'm so free with my heart in me
You know I've been in love, had my lovers
Leavin' part of me on the road
Went with my heart in me
And when it's all said and done
Honey, you're the only one
Who's here with my heart in me
TITLE : Her Wanted
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, March 24, 2005
He reads the paper
She changes channels on breakfast TV
He took out the trash
She vacuumed under his chair
He re-lit the pilot light
She sorted the whites
He took the dogs for a walk
She called her best friend to talk
He'd filled their ears an hour
She'd freshened with a shower
He wanted to light up a smoke
But remembered he's quit for a week
She'd have gone out to shop
But the rain makes her want to sleep
He's got the news on
She's got dinner on
His belly's full and eyes are closed
She's dreaming, of her wanted unknown
TITLE : Forgotten
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, April 5, 2005
Stumbling down the stairway
Half awake
I remember the picture
That used to hang at the bottom
Where we raised those ciggys high
And smiled and said "smoke 'em if ya got em"
Yea it was like that then
We were full of sin
You'd never catch us with a frown
'Cause we wouldn't let the blues come around
Ev'rything you knew, you've forgotten
And forgotten why
Did you let the moment slip away?
I guess that fun today
Just ain't the same.
I know we can't go back
Some things change,
But love never dies.
Ev'rything you knew, you've forgotten
And forgotten why
On any winter day
It won't be any colder outside
Than right here next to me, without you
We stopped smokin' to share these years
Kept sayin' we'd go back to that beach
But it's just me not knowin' what to do
TITLE : Our Anniversary
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, April 4, 2005
In a lucky moment
Our eyes met
In less than a breath
I saw the future
Without a word
The world became anew
A place, made for just us two
Most would call it fate
Or coincidence
Many disagree
This is possible
For we were two
And we became as one
No more, single on the run
Dreamers, on golden sand
Soothing waves, holding hands
Breath by breath more together
This must be our forever
I give you this, on our anniversary
These special words and memories
TITLE : Mothers
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, March 24, 2005
Mothers, risk it all for birth.
Not all women will try.
For some it comes way to soon.
Others loose their young in the night.
For some it's the right thing to do.
Being born played it's part.
In making the decision to carry,
Weighed against the odds,
Even the thought of marriage,
Motherhood has it's heavy cost.
Finding just the right man,
Faced with emotions and fears,
Looking at the rockiest of roads,
Not giving in to the pain and tears,
Mother you bear life's unbearable loads.
You'll see your daughter join the fight.
Your son will leave his mark in life.
Love was never just a word.
We can't begin to return what you deserve,
Thank you mother.
TITLE : The Lords Easter
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, March 18, 2005
On the last day of Passover,
Lazarus sister Mary came.
Rising early to be there at sun up,
Sabbath passed she'd came to pray.
She walked quickly and talked with God.
Asking why did He have to die,
Why so soon instead of years away.
Her sadness had kept the tears in her eyes.
She and her friend walked quietly.
As the sun brought light across their path,
Passing the sleeping Roman men of war,
To reach His grave before their shadow's cast.
She found the door of heavy rock,
Had been somehow set aside.
The two looked at each other shocked,
Even more when they went inside.
As they left the empty tomb,
There a man in shining white,
Delivered a certain message,
'Remember the third day, I will arise'.
Their tears had turned to wonder,
And their sorrow had left their hearts.
They came to the twelve with their news,
Who returned and found only the guards.
Two of the twelve went to a nearby town,
And a Man joined as they walked.
He told of things only He would know.
They returned to the twelve and talked.
As they ate, in their midst, He appeared.
They were astonished to say the least.
It was at sunset on the third day,
When Jesus arose and they gave Him meat.
Remember me, I am the first!
I died that you might celebrate.
Live with my words in your heart,
And always give more than you take.
TITLE : My Sixteen
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, February 21, 2005
Yea I'm a lot older now
But I still remember how
I was never alone
And I look in the mirror
Still see that child's face
And forgive myself for tryin'
To relive the dream, ev'ryday
Yea I always talk to God
When someone gives me a nod
That's why I'm still alone
And I try lookin' forward
But I see sixteen
As clear as any yesterday
That innocent kiss, you'd given me
You are my sixteen
You are my only scheme
You are driving me mad
'Cause you are my sixteen
Your are the best dream, I've ever had
Grandfathers Eyes
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, December 19, 2003
(note: there is a song version also)
In my grandfather's eyes
I see the measure of a man
I can tell you for sure
He stood tall upon this land
And he made certain ev'ry day
That his fam'ly, would always have a meal
Yea he knew how to work the fields
In my grandfather's eyes
I see him watchin' over me
Though the times aren't the same
I'm part of his fam'ly tree
He was so much stronger than me
When I'm plowin', over his promised land
It feels like I'm beside the man
In my grandfather's eyes
It was always sink or swim
He spent his days and nights
Burnin' the candle at both ends
Though this picture doesn't show
Those that knew him well
Tell me, he often wore a grin
Grandpa times were tough in your day
And yet you made it through
I can hear you sayin'
"I got my eye on you"
Though this picture doesn't show it
They tell me, he often wore a grin
I can see it in my grandfather's eyes
Pink Umby Records | Authors N Others | Wilody Publishing | The Ol' Cowboy | The Kids Corner | My God, My God???
TITLE : The Best Gift
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, February 16, 2005
Mornings come much to soon
Mixed with sunshine and dreams
A little one growing up
Someone that hears your schemes
Past, flashes through the mind
Tomorrow's unanswered question is,
Soon to be yesterday's remembrance
Like a hug with a beautiful kiss
Mothers always find
An inner strength to carry on
They will smile, though not in fashion
The love they give, comes back and goes on
Life is for those who seek to live
Light and love together are the best gift.
TITLE : I Stand
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, February 10, 2005
I stand upon a solid rock
Where I search
The valleys and the rivers,
And the clouds high above
I stand in contemplation
On the side of this mountain
And wonder
Am I going down
Or am I coming up
I see the hot air balloons
The fish ponds and lagoons
The cattle feeding in the fields
And farmers at the market making deals
Right here, right now,
I'm learning, learning how,
To hear life, as it goes by
I take it in, wave tops to starry skies
Going up means hard work
Struggling to gain a little ground,
Standing still changes with the season,
Down's where I left my old stomping ground
I stand where I am
I see new from here
I believe in what I touch
I stand and not ask much
TITLE : After The Road
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, February 1, 2005
After the road;
There'll be no silence between the streets
There'll be no man standing alone
The moon will be hiding from itself
Every creature will be on their own,
Spider's webs will have no need
Little mice will bath in the light
Birds great and small fly gracefully
If I'm not wrong there'll be no night,
There'll be no evidence of wrong
No slick crooner's fast tongue
No reason to hide your babies
Or quiet the laughter of the young,
There'll be no flies to spoil our picnic
No men in black to take us away
There'll be blue skies with puffy white clouds
And flowers of all colors along our way,
We'll feel a warm gentle breeze blowing
Like soft fingers touching our skin
And when our horses talk with us
We'll know that God has let us in,
After the road
Title: He Gave
Author: James Herbert Wilson
Copyright: December 21, 2004
So Christmas is just around the corner
Should we look for the star
For God's guiding light
To help us rejoice in the coming of the babe
He came to give, and HE gave
He reached out his hand when they came
He touched those who ask him
He gave us his love
He spoke to the multitude and many he saved
He came to give, and HE gave
When Christmas is growing nearer to me
I remember at God's right
Sits our sacrifice
He died and on the third day he rose from his grave
He came to give, and HE gave
Let the celebration be
For he who came to save
Christmas reminds me I am forgiven
He came to give, and HE gave
TITLE : (Cover Our Hearts)
Written By: James H. Wilson
Date: © Copyright, October 24, 2004
Time after time,
Fight after fight,
We hear the stories of the young.
We see the head lines,
'There must be a better way,
To get the job done',
And we look to Heaven,
Give thanks we,
Didn't run.
These colors cover our hearts
Red, white, and blue is on the rise again
These colors cover our hearts
And we're not givin' in
You don't have a clue
If ya think we've lost sight of the truth
'Cause these colors cover our hearts
These colors, red, white and blue.
My reserve friend
Did his first tour
Back in the days when we were young.
He said, "I've made plans
For my retirement next may,
But I'll get this job done,
I'm trained as a leader,
These colors,
Never run.
Title: Control Your
Author: James Herbert Wilson
Copyright: September 15, 2004
What is it I see in your eyes
As you stand breathing my air?
Your body's always hot,
As you patiently wait by my chair.
I'm reminded how you love to run,
And how your opinion gets to loud,
How you'd rather be outside,
Than just laying around the house.
I'm sure if you could talk you would.
You're always looking out the door.
You're always good to me.
Keeping me safe and so much more.
Oh sometimes you're under my feet,
And I haven't forgot how you used to run out in the street.
And old friend you are important to me,
But right this moment I have one request,
Please control your licker!
Pink Umby Records | Authors N Others | Wilody Publishing | The Ol' Cowboy | The Kids Corner | My God, My God???
Page of older poems:
Never Let My Dreams Get Out Of Sight, - My Birth Day, - Mother, - Katherine Marie, - I Found You, - I Pray
Lord, - The End, - Life, - Two Days Left, - Your Love, - First
Love, - By Accident, - The Truth, - We Waited, - Danny's Colt 45, - Shorty
Jack Burns, - Perfect Opposites, - Grandma's Ring, - Babies, - This
Path, - Hope, - Valentines Day, - How Did You Know, - Two Feet, -
Days Of Spring, - Normal Day, - One Heartbeat, - One Love, - A Lifetime
(Memories never leave me alone.)
Thank You,
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